Social and Environmental Policy

Social and Environmental Policy

Company has more than 1700 employees and we proud of highly proficiency of the team.

The average monthly salary in the Company is one of the highest in the industry throughout the region. Moreover, the enterprises have employee social protection programs.

The enterprises have an independent trade union (Rosugleprof) that carries out public surveillance over social benefits and guarantees, compliance with occupational health and safety rules, takes part in staff training, etc.

Company takes active part in charity and social programs of Kemerovo Region and in order to do that we annually sign the Social and Culture Cooperation Agreement with the Kemerovo Region Administration.

Company participates in events aimed at social protection of children and pensioners.

Company provides financial support for the Kemerovo Regional Public Fund “Shakhtyorskaya Pamyat” named after V.P. Romanov.

Also in Company’s charity program include purchasing of New Year gifts for orphans, supports the organization of the summer healthcare campaign “Children of Kuzbass”, etc.

Regulations on environmental policy
Regulations on respect for human rights
Statement on human rights